Church History

Spring 1923: A group of neighbors met at the home of a Mr. and Mrs. Bower who lived at or near the present address of 792 Graham Road. An afternoon Sunday School was started with the help of the Rev. A.M. Dixon. Dixon and some of members of First Baptist Church of Kenmore offered to help them get a church started. A building that once had been used as a chicken coop was the church's first meeting place.

May 6, 1923 - Oct. 23, 1923: The church began as a non-denominational Sunday School but later it was organized as a Baptist Sunday School.

May 2, 1926: After being examined and commended by other Baptist churches as a duly constituted New Testament Baptist Church, Graham Road Baptist Church was officially born with a charter membership of 25 members.

May 1926 - August 1928: A vacant home was found on Homewood Avenue where a space was available for classes as well as services.

April 1928 - February 1930: The church found a new home with a lot at 705 Graham Road donated by member Earl Trowbridge. The Rev. Homer M. Hurst became the first full-time pastor in September 1928.

1930 - 1948: Six different men, all of whom were associated with the Northern Baptist Convention (now called the American Baptist Convention), pastored the church. In December 1946, the Rev. George Rymer became pastor. The church voted to withdraw from the Convention on April 21, 1948, and on Sept. 29, voted to affiliate with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.

1949 - 1972: The Rev. B.C. Jennings became pastor in September 1960. Under his ministry, the church had a new auditorium dedicated on June 24, 1962 and a daughter church known as Grace Baptist Church in Kent was started.

1972 - 1979: The church was pastored by the Rev. Thomas Hughes from 1972 - 1976 and then by the Rev. Lawrence Smith from 1976 - 1978.

1980 - 2012: The church was pastored by Pastor Larry D. Engle. Milestones included replacing of a complete furnace system, a renovated auditorium, a pole barn and the purchase of additional land west of the church for future expansion. Pastor Engle retired in 2012.

2013 - Present: Pastor Michael Lovett became the church's pastor in March 2013 after serving as a missionary overseas in South Africa for 10 years. Under his leadership, our church paid off our mortgage, withdrew from General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, renovated the santuctuary, updated and added sunday school classrooms, added a prophet's chamber, started a nursing home ministry, started a foster and adoption ministry, began hosting annual missions, family and ladies conferences, and so much more.