Dear Foster, Adoptive, & Kinship Parents,

First, we would like to say thank you. There are many reasons why a child may be placed for adoption or into the foster care system. These children find themselves in care as a result of a breakdown in the family unit, unforeseen circumstances, or other traumatic events.

Therefore, caring for these children can be very challenging, but so needful for their healing. Caregivers often put the needs of others before themselves while overlooking their own need for support. You may have willingly accepted the enormous responsibility and the unforeseen burdens, but that does not mean you have to bear it alone. (Galatians 6:2)

That is why Graham Road Baptist Church wants to come alongside you and your family as you fulfill an essential role in the lives of these children.

Thank you for opening your hearts and homes to these children.
Graham Road Baptist Church

Some pictures of our volunteers, support meeting, and Hope-Full welcome bags!

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